The Cambridge Memory Meeting 2017
(CAMM2017) will have broad appeal to both basic and clinical
neuroscientists. The aim of this meeting is to present new data relating
to memory research, and to foster new collaborations between academics
working across the length and breadth of this field. The focus this year
will be on memory in the context of clinical disorders, reflecting the
high priority of Alzheimer’s disease and related conditions for global
healthcare systems.
0930 Registration, coffee, tea, biscuits
0955 Introduction
1000 Opening talk: Nobel Laureate Professor John O’Keefe, UCL: “What does the medial entorhinal cortex do?"
1100 Jane Garrison, Simons group: "Reality Monitoring: A Possible Cognitive Endophenotype of Schizophrenia?”
1120 Su Li, O’Brien group: “Changes in memory representations in people with increased risk for dementia"
1140 George Savulich, Sahakian group: "Cognitive training using a paired associates memory game in mild cognitive impairment"
1200 Lunch and poster session
1400 Rachel Goodwin, Bateman group Oliver Zangwill Centre: “Memory rehabilitation in MS"
1420 Andrea Greve, Henson group: "Hippocampal lesions affect brain connectivity but not fast-mapping"
1440 David Howett, Chan group: “Virtual reality testing of entorhinal cortex function in pre-dementia Alzheimer’s disease"
1500 Afternoon coffee, tea, biscuits
1530 Vasilis Karlaftis, Kourtzi group: "Structural and functional brain circuits for learning predictive structures"
1550 Closing talk: Professor Emrah Duzel, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: "Functional anatomy of hippocampal memory circuits and their dysfunction in preclinical AD”
1650 Closing remarks
1700 End of meeting
1730 Pub visit
Refreshments and lunch will be provided free.