People in the Memory Laboratory

Jon Simons, PhD, FRSB

Person page Twitter Occasional blog

Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychology
Head of the School of Biological Sciences
Fellow, Emmanuel College

Ayat Abdurahman, MSc

Postgraduate Student

Attention and memory in the aging brain

Will Duckett, MSci

Postgraduate Student

Mental imagery and memory

Helena Gellersen, PhD

Research Fellow

Early detection of memory deficits

Andrea Greve, PhD

Teaching Associate

Prediction error and learning

Julia Maybury, MA

Postgraduate Student

Sleep and memory across ages

Samantha Mitchell, MSc

Postgraduate Student

Brain mechanisms of hallucinations

Lab Alumni

Jessica McMaster (PhD expected 2025) - now cognitive scientist, Arctic Shores (website)
Michael Siena (PhD 2023) - website
Helena Gellersen (PhD 2022) - now research fellow, St John's College Cambridge (website)
Simon Kwon (PhD 2021) - now postdoc, Harvard Medical School (website)
Saana Korkki (PhD 2019, postdoc 2019-20, Read Prize winner) - now postdoc, Karolinska Institute (website)
Carolin Sievers (postdoc 2019-20) - now lead data scientist, Outra (website)
Priya Jeyarathnarajah (research assistant 2016-18) - now research coordinator, University of Toronto (website)
Franka Richter (postdoc 2015-17) - now data engineer, Aldi Nord (website)
Ali Trelle (PhD 2016, postdoc 2016-17, CNS Fellow award winner) - now Instructor, Stanford University (website)
Rose Cooper (PhD 2017, EPS Frith Prize winner) - now research scientist, Meta Reality Labs (website)
David Vogelsang (PhD 2016) - now lecturer, University of Amsterdam (website)
Debbie Green (research assistant 2014-16) - now clinical psychologist, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust
Jane Garrison (PhD 2015, postdoc 2015-19, APS Rising Star award) - now assistant professor, University of Cambridge (website)
Lucy Cheke (research fellow, 2013-15) - now Professor, University of Cambridge (website)
Heidi Bonnici (postdoc 2013-15) - 1980-2021, she brightened the lives of everyone who knew her
Yasemin Yazar (PhD 2014) - now management consultant, Accenture Strategy (website)
James Thom (PhD 2013) - now senior director, Verian UK (website)
Marie Buda (PhD 2013) - now consultant in behavioural science, Innovia Technology (website)
Zara Bergström (postdoc 2009-12) - now senior lecturer, University of Kent (website)
Alex Fornito (visiting fellow 2008-10) - now Professor, Monash University (website)
Valerie Brandt (MPhil 2010) - now lecturer, University of Southampton (website)
Simon Davis (MSc 2005) - now associate professor, Duke University (website)
Marieke Schölvinck (MSc 2004) - now Max Planck Research Group Leader, University of Frankfurt (website)