Cambridge Memory Meeting
The aim of this Cambridge-wide memory group is to encourage interaction between the many local labs working on the psychology/neuroscience of short- and long-term memory, both human and non-human.
The idea is for friendly, informal annual meetings in which students and postdocs present their research in a supportive environment, helping all participants find out about related work taking place locally, and highlighting areas for future collaboration. Meetings also often include visiting keynote speakers (e.g., Alan Baddeley, Muireann Irish, Eleanor Maguire, Richard Morris, John O'Keefe, Charan Ranganath, Clea Warburton)
In addition, our CAMM Distinguished Speaker seminars feature Zoom talks from leading international memory researchers (e.g., Daniel Schacter).
Labs Involved
Mike Anderson, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (website) |
Paul Bays, Department of Psychology (website) |
Lucy Cheke, Department of Psychology (website) |
Nicky Clayton, Department of Psychology (website) |
Tim Dalgleish, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (website) |
Paul Fletcher, Department of Psychiatry (website) |
Sue Gathercole, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (website) |
Rik Henson, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (website) |
Zoe Kourtzi, Department of Psychology (website) |
Julija Krupic, Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience (website) |
Matt Lambon-Ralph, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (website) |
Máté Lengyel, Department of Engineering (website) |
Amy Milton, Department of Psychology (website) |
Timothy O'Leary, Department of Engineering (website) |
Karalyn Patterson, Department of Clinical Neurosciences (website) |
Ole Paulsen, Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience (website) |
Louis Renoult, University of East Anglia (website) |
Tim Rittman, Department of Clinical Neurosciences (website) |
James Rowe, Department of Clinical Neurosciences (website) |
Jon Simons, Department of Psychology (website) |
Denes Szucs, Department of Psychology, Centre for Neuroscience in Education (website) |
Deborah Talmi, Department of Psychology (website) |
Next Annual Meeting
CAMM 2024 - MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (organiser: Tim Rittman, Clinical Neurosciences)
Past Annual Meetings
CAMM 2021 - Online via Zoom (organisers: Gina Humphreys and Davide Nardo, CBU)
CAMM 2020 - Online via Zoom (organiser: Deborah Talmi, Psychology)
CAMM 2019 - Murray Edwards College (organisers: Amy Milton and Lucy Cheke, Psychology, and Emma Cahill, PDN)
CAMM 2018 - MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (organisers: Aya Ben-Yakov and Roni Tibon, CBU)
CAMM 2017 - Institute of Public Health (organiser: Dennis Chan, Clinical Neurosciences)
CAMM 2016 - St John's College (organisers: David Barrett and Máté Lengyel, Engineering)
CAMM 2015 - Pembroke College (organisers: Beth Fisher and Brianne Kent, Psychology)
CAMM 2014 - MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (organisers: Andrea Greve and Jonathan Fawcett, CBU)
CAMM 2013 - Emmanuel College (organiser: Jon Simons, Psychology)
CAMM 2009 - MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (organiser: Rik Henson, CBU)